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Hole in the Middle of the Sea

Hole in the Middle of the Sea Lyrics, Hole in the Middle of the Sea Printout, Hole in the Middle of the Sea Video


There's a hole
In the middle of the sea
There's a hole
In the middle of the sea

There's a hole,
There's a hole.
There's a hole
In the middle of the sea

There's a log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea
There's a log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea

There's a log,
There's a log.
There's a log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea

There's a bump
On the log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea
There's a bump
On the log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea

There's a bump,
There's a bump.
There's a bump
On the log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea

There's a frog
On the bump
On the log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea
There's a frog
On the bump
On the log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea

There's a frog,
There's a frog.
There's a frog
On the bump
On the log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea

There's a fly
On the frog
On the bump
On the log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea
There's a fly
On the frog
On the bump
On the log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea

There's a fly,
There's a fly.
There's a fly
On the frog
On the bump
On the log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea

There's a wing
On the fly
On the frog
On the bump
On the log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea
There's a wing
On the fly
On the frog
On the bump
On the log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea

There's a wing,
There's a wing.
There's a wing
On the fly
On the frog
On the bump
On the log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea

There's a flea
On the wing
On the fly
On the frog
On the bump
On the log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea
There's a flea
On the wing
On the fly
On the frog
On the bump
On the log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea

There's a flea,
There's a flea.
There's a flea
On the wing
On the fly
On the frog
On the bump
On the log
In the hole
In the middle of the sea