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Valentine's Day Printouts

Valentine's Day Worksheets, Valentine's Day Printouts

valentines day abbreviations worksheetAbbreviations for Valentine's Day     pdf
Students decide if the correct abbreviation is in the heart.
common and proper nouns valentines day worksheetCommon and Proper Nouns for Valentine's Day     pdf
Students identify common and proper nouns in hearts.
valentines day nouns worksheetNouns for Valentine's Day     pdf
Students decide if it is a person, place, or thing.
valentines day plural nouns worksheetPlural Nouns for Valentine's Day     pdf
Students decide if the plural form of the noun is correct.
synonyms antonyms valentines day worksheetSynonyms and Antonyms for Valentine's Day     pdf
Students identify if pairs are antonyms or synonyms.
valentines day worksheetAddition Odd or Even Valentine's Day     pdf
Students add numbers and decide if they are even or odd.
valentines day worksheetSubtraction Odd or Even Valentine's Day     pdf
Students subtract and decide if the answer is odd or even.
valentines day worksheetHeart Acrostic Poem     pdf
Printable for creating an acrostic poem.