The Teacher's Guide-Free Worksheets, SMARTboard templates, and lesson plans for teachers.

Rock Cycle Lesson Plans

Rock Cycle Lesson Plans, Rock Cycle Themes, Rock Cycle Printouts,




Rock Cycle Lesson Plans and Thematic Units

icon Crayon Rock Cycle from My Science Box
Students observe and learn about the rock cycle using crayons.

icon Rock Cycle Activity
Students use crayons to demonstrate how rocks change.

Rock Cycle Interactive Resources

icon Interactives Rock Cycle
Discover the three main types of rocks and how they are formed.  Animations, diagrams, and questions.

icon Classzone Interactive Rock Cycle Animation
Nice animations to illustrate the rock cycle.

icon What Are Igneous Rocks?
Video explaining igneous rocks.

icon What Are Metamorphic Rocks?
Video explaining metamorphic rocks.

icon StudyJam Rock Cycle
Video explaining the rock cycle from Scholastic.

icon Rock Cycle Animation
Very nice animation of the rock cycle.

icon YouTube Videos About the Rock Cycle
YouTube videos explaining the rock cycle.  The videos play within this website so you won't have to worry about comments or inappropriate videos to the side.  However, please screen the video prior to showing it to your students.  I am also unable to control any ads that play at the beginning of the videos.

icon Rocks SMARTNotebook File
Introduces types of rocks with ilustrations.

iconRocks and Mineral SMARTNotebook File
A nice file explaining the different types of rocks.

icon Rocks and Changes SMARTNotebook File
Examples and explanations of different types of rocks

Rock Cycle Printouts

icon Rock Cycle Lesson Plans with Printouts

icon Rock Cycle Papercraft

icon My Rock Recording Chart

icon Color Rock Cycle Diagram