The Teacher's Guide-Free Worksheets, SMARTboard templates, and lesson plans for teachers.

McGrawhill Math Resources

McGrawhill Math Resources, McGrawhill Math Connects 2nd Grade Resources

Chapter Eight

icon Lesson 8-3A     pdf
Write the digital time to the hour.

icon Lesson 8-3B     pdf
Write the digital time to the hour.

icon Lesson 8-3C     pdf
Write the digital time to the half-hour.

icon Lesson 8-3D     pdf
Write the digital time to the half-hour

icon Lesson 8-3E     pdf
Draw the hands to match the digital time to the hour
icon Lesson 8-3F     pdf
Draw the hands to match the digital time to the half-hour.

icon Lesson 8-3G     pdf
Draw the hands to match the digital time to the half-hour.

icon Lesson 8-5A     pdf
Write the digital time to the quarter-hour.

icon Lesson 8-5B     pdf
Write the digital time to the quarter-hour.

icon Lesson 8-5C     pdf
Write the digital time to the quarter-hour.

icon Lesson 8-5D     pdf
Draw the hands to match the digital time to the quarter-hour.

icon Lesson 8-5E     pdf
Draw the hands to match the digital time to the quarter-hour.

icon Lesson 8-6A     pdf
Write the digital time to five-minutes.

icon Lesson 8-6B     pdf
Write the digital time to five-minutes.

icon Lesson 8-6C     pdf
Draw the hands to match the digital time to five minutes.

icon Lesson 8-6D     pdf
Draw the hands to match the digital time to five minutes.

Other Worksheets

icon Clock Face With Numbers for Dry Erase Markers     pdf

icon Clock Face Without Numbers for Dry Erase Markers     pdf

icon Clock Face With Hands For Cutout     pdf

Smartboard files

icon Telling Time Game     SMARTfile

icon Half Hour Clock Face     SMARTfile