The Teacher's Guide-Free Worksheets, SMARTboard templates, and lesson plans for teachers.

Days with Frog and Toad

Days with Frog and Toad Spelling Printouts, Days with Frog and Toad Printouts

Days With Frog and Toad Spelling Activities/Printouts

 icon Days With Frog and Toad Spelling Wordsearch Printout

 icon Days With Frog and Toad Spelling Word Shapes Printout

 icon Days With Frog and Toad  Spelling Bubbles

 icon Days With Frog and Toad Spelling Words ABC Order

 icon Days With Frog and Toad Spelling Words Trace

 icon Sounds of "ied" Sort

 icon Sounds of "ied" Hunt

Days With Frog and Toad Vocabulary Activities/Printouts

  icon Days With Frog and Toad Vocabulary Crossword Printout

 icon Days With Frog and Toad Vocabulary Matching Printout

 icon Days With Frog and Toad Vocabulary Test Printout

 icon Days With Frog and Toad Vocabulary Definitions

 icon Days With Frog and Toad Vocabulary Cards

 icon Days With Frog and Toad High Frequency Words Printout

 icon Four Square Vocabulary Page

Interactive Resources

 icon Days With Frog and Toad SMARTboard Center Activities

 icon Days With Frog and Toad "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" Comprehension Game

 icon Drop Y and IED SMARTboard Lesson Games for Days With Frog and Toad

 icon WordSearch
Find the words.

  icon MatchIt
Match a word with the best sentence.

 icon HangMouse
Like hangman with the spelling words.

  icon Alphabetize
Put the words in the correct ABC order.

  icon Audio Word Match
Match based on sounds.

 icon Unscramble
Put the words back together.

  icon Which Word
Find the word that best completes the sentence

  icon Missing Letter
Find missing letters in the words.

 icon  Sentence Unscramble
Place the words in the correct order to complete a sentence.

 icon LetterFall
Catch letters to spell the words.

 icon  Spelling Test
Take a test over the spelling words. 

Other Resources

 icon Harcourt Story Book Report Form

 icon The Virtual Vine
This site also has some great resources.  It is run by a fellow teacher and has materials for all of the stories for Harcourt 2nd Grade.  I also use a lot of her resources in my classroom.

 icon "Days With Frog and Toad"  Resources from PrimaryGradesClassPage
This site has some really good resources.  You can find a vocabulary powerpoint that is made really well, a spelling test, a study guide for the story, grammar test, skill sheets, and phonics and language drills.  I use a lot of her resources in my own classroom.