The Teacher's Guide-Free Worksheets, SMARTboard templates, and lesson plans for teachers.

Quick Science Activities

Science Activities, Science Experiments

 Quick Science Activities

Quick science activities produced by Reach Out Michigan

Acid Rain: An Air Pollutant

Acid Rain: "It's Eating Away at You"

Acid Rain: The Disappearing Statue

Adrenoleukodystropy (ALD): A Case Study Using the Film "Lorenzo's Oil"

Air Cannon

Airfoil Experiment 2

Airfoil Experiment 3

Air Pollution Control

Air Pressure

Air ... What Gives?

Air Cannon

Alka Rockets

Alternative Energy Sources

Analysis of Ink by Paper Chromatography

Anatomy and Physiology "Quickies"

And/Or Circuits

Animal Adaptations

ANTacid - Bases and Acids  

Antacid Tablet Race

Antenna Antics

All About Apples   

Are All Liquids the Same?

Are You Being Poisoned by Your Dishes?

Attracting Balloons

A Bagful of Surprises

Baggie Science

Balloon Blow-Up

Balloon Charge

Balloon Surprise!

Balloon Vacuum

Battery Life

Bells in Your Ears

Bernoulli Cans

Big Bottle Barometer  

Biological Rhythms

Biomes in a Box

Black Magic

Blood Circulation Lab

Blubber Glove

Bottle Habitat

Bottle blow-up   

Bouncing Eggs

Brain Injury Eggs-periment

Bring Springtime Buds Inside

Brown Bag Science

Bubble Bomb

Bubble Fun


Bubble-ology & Bernoulli


Buggy Diner

Build a Galvanometer

Building a Balloon Rocket  

Butterfly Optical Illusion Activity   

Butterflies and Symmetry  

The Buzz on Bees

Cake Batter Lava

Calls of the Wild


Can I Make a Maraca?

Can I Make a Rain Cloud?

Can I Make Raisins?

Carrot Root Fun

A Changing Resistor

Charge It!

Chemical Changes

Chemical Methods of Control

Chemistry in Black & White Photography

Circulation of Water in Celery

Coat Hanger Balance  

A Code Key

Color Mixing

Color My World - Frosting Graham Crackers

Colorful Bouquet


Combustion & Carbon Dioxide

Cookie Topography

Copper Caper

Counting the Stars

Create a Card

Creating Paper Towel Art

Creating Tangrams  

Cricket Dissection

Crystal Creations


Dancing Penny

A DC Generator

Demonstrating an Epidemic

Demonstration of Cheese-Making Enzyme Magic


Density Balloons

Density: An AskERIC Lesson

Describing Soils

Detecting Meteors

Determination of the Amount of Phosphate in a Detergent

Determining Acids and Bases

Diffusion of Molecules

Diggin' Dirt

Direct & Diffuse Light

Directional Switches

Discovering Plant Stomates

DNA Extraction

DNA Extraction Lab

DNA Sequencing Simulation

Do-It-Yourself Lung Model

Donut Sort

Down the Drain

Downhill Discoveries

Dracula's Dinner

Ear Guitar

Ears and Hearing

Earth: The Apple of Our Eye

Echo in My Head!

Edible Plants

Edible Rocks

The Effect of Citrus Oils on Fruit Flies

Egg Carton Glider

Egg Magic

Eggs Don't Break?

Egg Protector

Electromagnetic Signals

Electron Flash

Electron Traffic

Elevator Physics

Energy Transfer

Enzymatic Reaction

Enzyme Grabbers

Enzyme Labs Using Jello


An Enzyme Substrate Model



Establishing Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium


Exothermic Reactions Used in Hot Packs

Expansion of Water As It Freezes

Experimenting with Friction  

Exposed Surface Area & the Rate of a Chemical Reaction

Extraction of DNA from Onion

Falling Test Tubes

Finger Boomerangs

Fingerpaint Leaf Prints

Fire Beetles

Fishy Frequencies


Flower Power   

Flying Tube

Flying Wing

Folds and Faults

Following the Mealworm's Metamorphosis


Friction: Roll With The Changes

Fun With Air

Funny Fingers   

Fuse It!

Gelatin Volcanoes

The Genetics of Parenthood

Germinating Seeds with Liquid Crystals

The Giant Cell



Glitter Globe

Glue Polymer

Good Vibrations

Grasshopper Study

Grass Seed Fun

Great Ice Guessing Game

Green Growing Gifts

Green Space in the City

Groundwater Quality

Growing Alfalfa Sprouts

Growing Salt Crystals

Hand Washing

Healthy Heart

Hearing Fun


The Heart and the Circulatory System

Hovering Card Trick

How are plastics made?

How Big Is a Hand?

How Can I Make a Fire Extinguisher?

How Can You Make a Flashlight Shine Brighter?

How Do Animals Protect Themselves?

How Does Chance Influence Inheritance?

How Do I Make a Fossil Print?

How Do Refrigerators Make Things Cold?

How to Make Bottle Pipes

How Much Do You Weigh?

How to Tell When Mealworms Are Out of Breath

How We See

Ice Cream in a Bag

Ice Cream Social

Identification of an Unknown Substance

Impact Craters

Inch of Skin

Inching Around

Inclined Plane Physics  

Inclined Plane Physics and Art  

Introduction to DNA Extractions

Iron in Cereal

It Floats

Joysticks in the Wind

Joystick Switches

Junk Mail Airmail

Kids on Mars

A Lab Trilogy for Beginning Biology Teachers

Latent Heat

Lava Layering

Laws of Reflection

Leaf Stomata as Bio-indicators of Environmental Change

Leaping Electrons

Learning with Laundry

Lemon Battery I

Lemon Battery II: Fruity Electricity

Lemon Battery III: Lemon Power

Let the Light Shine In: The Iris

Let's Make Bubbles

Let's Make Insect Nets!

Let's Make a Puddle Cake!

How can you lift four times your weight?

Liquid Bottle Rocket

Liquid Layers  

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream

Liquid Rainbow

Listen Up!

Loop the LED

Loop the Loop

Lost World Dinosaurs

Lotic Environment Lesson Plans

Lung Model


Magnet Fun

Magnetic Current


Magnificent Microscopes

Make a Machine  

Make an Electromagnet

Make a Spectroscope

Make a Wind Sock

Make Your Own Bubbles

Make Your Own "Mess"

Make Your Own Paper

Make Your Own Powerlock

Make Your Own Private Lightning  

Make Your Own Rain Gauge

Making an Ant House

Making a Bird Mural

Making a Dry Flower Bouquet

Making an Electroscope

Making a Flying Saucer

Making a Fruit Fly Trap   

Making Fruit-Shape Kebobs

Making Homemade Instruments

Making Magic Potions

Making Milk Glue

Making No-Bake Peanut Butter Cookies

Making a Pinhole Camera

Making a Pondscope

Making a Spectroscope

Making a Spider Web

Making a Straw Woodwind

Making Three-Dimensional Plant & Animal Cell Models

Making a Wind Sock

Manufacture a CD Crate

Mapping Animal Behavior

Marshmallow Building and Bridges

Match-Stick Rocket

McEagle Styrofoam Glider

Measure for Pleasure

Measuring Calories

Metamorphic Rock Pancakes

"Minimum" Solar Box Cooker

Mixtures & Sugar Cubes

M & M Lab

A Model of a Bacterial Plasmid

Mold I: Growing Your Own

Mold II: Growing Your Own  

Mold III: Growing Your Own Antibiotic  

Mold IV: Mold Terrarium

The Money Pile

Motoring Electromagnetically

Mousetrap Vehicle


Musical Coathanger

Neat Sheet

Needle Through a Balloon

Neutralizing Ability of Antacid Tablets


Newton's Science Try-Its: Build a Hovercraft to The Inner Life of a Leaf

Newton's Science Try-Its: Cut the Cube to Eggs Supporting Books

Newton's Science Try-Its: Fire Extinguishers to Dancin' Raisins

Newton's Science Try-Its: Make a Barometer to Soak Some Spuds

Newton's Science Try-Its: Pop a Penny to Boiling Water Without Heat

Newton's Science Try-Its: Racing Jars to Projectiles and Satellites

Nickel Karate

Non-Compressibility of Water


The Nose Knows

Objects Race 500

Observation: Where Is My Peanut?

Oily Colors

One Color or Two?

One + One = One

Onion DNA Extraction

The Opposable Thumb

Optical Images

Orbital Forces

Outrageous Ooze

Paper Clip Parachutes  

Pasta Patterns  

Peas and Particles

Pepper Scatter

Picky Toothpicks

Pictures from Light

Piles of Fire

How can you force a physical change in matter?

Plant Biotechnology: Controlling Tissue Differentiation

Plants and Gravity

Plants and Seeds

Plant Transpiration

How are plastics made?

Pliable Proteins

Pollen Collection & Identification

Polystyrene Containers

Population Dynamics of Growth of Drosophila


Potato Float

Potential & Kinetic Energy

Potential Energy

Pressure of a Gas & Temperature

Pretzel Predictions

Pringles Pinhole Camera

Problem Solving in Genetic Disorders


Properties and Synthesis of Soap

Pyramids and Cubes - Straw Structures   

Quantitative Analysis of Lead

The Rain Game

Rain Rulers

Random Walk

Rate of Gas Evolution from the Reaction of Alka-Seltzer Tablets with Water

Reaction Time

Reading with a Candle

Reaping Rocks

Recipes for Homemade Fun

Recycling Paper

Reflecting Rainbows

Regolith Formation

A Relay

Remote Control Roller

Resistor Colour Code

Respiratory System

Restriction Enzymes

Rock Candy

Rocket Launch

Rocket Science: Balloon Races

Rocket Science: Rocket Poppers

Rocket to Success

Roller Coasters in the Classroom



Rubber Egg

Rubber Eggs


Salt and Boiling Water

Salt, Soil, and Seeds

Salt Volcano

Sampling Carbon Dioxide

SA/V Ratio & Rate of Diffusion

Sculpture Creations  

Secret Bells

Seeing Air

Sensational Slime

Shadow Shapes

Signals from Space

Singing Rod

Silly Straw Glider

Simple Machines

Simple Machines

Simple Scales

Simulation of Gene Splicing

Size of a Gas Molecule

Slinky Science

Slinky Science - ver. 2   

Slippery Substances - Lubricants

Slip, Slide, Resist!

Soap-Powered Paper Boats

Soda Pop Can Hero Engine

Solar Hot Box

Solar Hot Dog Cooker


Solubility of a Gas and Temperature

Solubility and Temperature


Spider Fun

Spider Glider  

Spin, Eggs, Spin!

Spinning Blimps

Sponges and Seeds

Spudnicks - A Rice-Crispy & Marshmallow Snack!

Spud Stuff

Stalactites and Stalagmites to Go  

Static-Charged 2 X 4s

Static Electricity

Staying Young with Vitamin E  

A Stirring Sight!

Stop and Go Electrons

St. Patrick's Day Snack

Straight from the Heart  

Stream Table

String It Along

Strings and Springs

Strong Shapes  


Structure of Matter

Student Investigation on the Immune System and Heme-agglutination

Sun-Powered Cooking

Summer Sprouting  

Super Sparker

Suspension Bridge

Symmetry Surprise

Synthesis of Aspirin

Synthesis of Soap

T. P. Away

Tasty Solution

Teaching Multiple Alleles

Telephone Talk

Temperature & the Rate of a Chemical Reaction

Testing for Acid

Testing for Metals

Testing for Starch

Thaumatrope Motion Device

Tie Dye  

The Touch 'n' Feel Box

Transforming Current


Tree Bark Casts

Tubes and Spheres Roller Coasters  

Understanding Waves

Up Periscope

Up, Up, and Away!  

Up, Up and Away with Bottles!

Using Microscopes

Using a Winogradsky Column to Analyze Microbial Communities


Visible Spectra of Soda Pops

Vitamin C in Fruit Juices

Volume of a Gas & Temperature

Waste Management

Watch the Brain Learn

Water Bottle Rocket Launcher

Water Color Racing

Water Drop Magnifier

Water Magic

Water Pollution

Watershed Modeling

Weathering Experiments: Sugar Cubes, Steel Wool & Gravel

What Are Seeds?

What Causes Tooth Decay

What Do Plants Need to Live?

What Is Air?

What Is a Medicine?

What Is Mud?

What Is Water?

What Makes a Bird a Bird?

What Plants Do I Like to Eat?

What's Evaporation?

What Shape Is Water?

What's It Like to Molt Like a Snake?

Whose Skeleton Is in Your Closet?

Why Can Insects Stand on Water?

Wild Seed Fun

Will All Liquids Mix Up?

Wind Catchers  

Wind Detective

Wind Erosion

Windows on Life

Wind Sounds

Worm Bin Project

Yeast - A Dihybrid Cross

Your Own Electroboard

The Zapper

Zoo Vet